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How nohup Command Works in Linux – Syntax, Use Cases & Examples

Maintaining consistency and reliability in your sessions is crucial as a Linux developer. Long-running processes must continue even after you log out, and Linux offers a handy solution. The `nohup` command ensures that your commands keep running smoothly in the background without interruption. This protects your data from loss and saves you valuable time. In this guide, you’ll learn all about using the `nohup` command in Linux, including its syntax, options, practical use cases, and how to troubleshoot common issues.


Exploring the Syntax of the Linux Nohup Command

The `nohup` command is a simple yet powerful tool that lets you run commands or scripts in the background, ensuring they keep running even after you close the terminal. Here’s the basic format for using it:

nohup [command] [arguments] &

In this structure, replace `[command]` with the command or script you want to execute, and `[arguments]` with any necessary parameters. The `&` at the end allows the command to run in the background. For example:

nohup &

Here, “” will keep running even if the terminal is closed, with the output being saved by default to a file called `nohup.out`, unless you specify a different location.

Unpacking nohup Options

Although the `nohup` command doesn’t have many built-in options, knowing how to use it effectively with different commands and redirection techniques can improve its functionality. To start, here’s how you can access information about the command:

nohup --help

nohup --version

These commands provide useful details, such as the help guide and the current version of `nohup`.

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Executing a Process with nohup

To run a process using `nohup`, simply follow the structure mentioned earlier:

nohup [command]

For background execution, just append `&` to the end of your command, and it will run seamlessly.

Running Multiple Processes in the Background with nohup

What if you need to run several processes in the background simultaneously with the `nohup` command? You can easily achieve this by using the following format:

nohup bash -c '[command A] && [command B]' &

Simply substitute `[command A]` and `[command B]` with the tasks you wish to execute. For example, if you want to update system packages and remove unnecessary files, you would run:

nohup bash -c 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get autoremove -y' &

In this case, `nohup` ensures that both the update and cleanup processes run in the background, allowing you to complete system maintenance without keeping the terminal open.

Customizing Output Redirection

By default, the output is sent to `nohup.out`, but you can redirect it to a different file if needed. To do so, use the following syntax:

nohup [command] > [/path/to/new/output.txt]

Just replace the placeholders with your desired command and output file path.

Combining nohup with Other Commands

You can enhance the power of the `nohup` command by combining it with other commands and pipes. Let’s look at an example:

nohup find / -name ".log" | xargs grep "ERROR" > error_logs.txt 2>&1 &

In this command, `find` searches for log files, while `grep` looks for instances of “ERROR.” The results are then redirected to `error_logs.txt`.

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We’ve now covered the most common ways to use the `nohup` command. Mastering these techniques will enable you to run background processes on Linux with ease.

Common Errors and Troubleshooting

Although using `nohup` is generally straightforward, you may encounter some typical errors. Knowing how to resolve them can save both time and frustration. Let’s review a common issue:

Permission Denied

This error occurs when the command or script you are trying to run lacks execute permissions. The error message will appear as:

nohup: failed to run command ‘’: Permission denied

To fix this, ensure that the script has the correct permissions by running the following:

chmod +x

nohup ./ &

Command Not Found

This error occurs when the system can’t locate the command or script in the specified directory or within your system’s PATH. The error message will appear as:

nohup: failed to run command ‘’: No such file or directory

To fix this, ensure that the command or script exists in the correct location. You may need to specify the absolute path to the script, like so:

nohup /path/to/ &

Also, make sure the command is properly installed and accessible from your PATH.

No Output

Occasionally, you might notice that no output is displayed in the terminal or output file. If the command is producing output but you’re not seeing it, the output might be redirected elsewhere, or there may be permission issues. To resolve this, explicitly specify where to direct the output:

nohup > output.log 2>&1 &

This command will send both the standard output and error messages to `output.log`.

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Script Not Running in Background

If your script appears to be running but not in the background, the usual cause is forgetting to add the `&` symbol at the end of the command. To ensure it runs in the background, simply append the `&` symbol.

Hanging or Unresponsive Process

Sometimes, a process initiated with `nohup` may freeze or become unresponsive. This usually happens if the process is waiting for input or encountering resource access issues. You can troubleshoot by:

  • Checking if the command requires any interactive input.
  • Verifying that the process has access to the necessary resources, such as files or network.

Avoiding nohup.out Overwrites

When running several processes in the background using `nohup`, you might accidentally overwrite the `nohup.out` file. To prevent this, specify a unique output path for each process, ensuring that each process logs its output separately, without overwriting the default file.

By understanding common errors and their fixes, you can use the `nohup` command smoothly.


The `nohup` command is an essential tool for Linux users who need to run processes in the background, ensuring they continue even after logging out. This guide has covered the basics of `nohup` syntax, explored its options, and addressed common errors with troubleshooting strategies. By mastering `nohup`, you’ll be better equipped to handle long-running tasks, boosting both your productivity and your system management capabilities.

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